2nd Grade

Skeletons - PowerPoint
Resource 1/2

Teacher of Primary
Science Lesson Description
Skeletons - 2nd Grade 2nd Grade science programme of study - Animals, including humans: identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement This year 3 science teaching resource introduces pupils to skeletons and is an ideal learning tool to use in a lesson covering the above year 3 science curriculum objective. This colorful and animated PowerPoint presentation includes: Link to an introductory video A 3-D skeleton model teaching aid Identifying some human bones activity and two accompanying worksheets Identifying the main bones of the body and worksheet Functions of the skeleton Explanation of joints and ligaments (hinge joints and ball and socket joints) Which bones protect which organs? How to take care of bones Animal skeletons and an explanation of vertebrates and invertebrates Skeleton detective activity - match the skeleton to the animal and an accompanying worksheet Animal skeleton sorting activity and accompanying worksheet Skeleton quiz and accompanying worksheet Useful links Make your own skeleton cut out model
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