Seaside story sound picture (texture, structure) - Song

Music Resource Description
Seaside story sound picture (texture, structure)
Before you begin, download and print out Seaside Story. First, the children listen to the recording below, then ask them where they think it is and what is happening. Notice and draw attention to the fact that the sounds are happening at the same time (thick texture), not on their own, one after the other (thin texture).
Next, ask the children think of all the sounds they might hear on holiday near the sea. Then the children go in groups, with a classroom assistant, to the music corner to experiment with using body sounds, found sounds and instruments to create seaside sounds. Some of the sounds might be made on their own (thin texture) and some at the same time as others, creating a thicker texture.
When each group has had their turn at the music table, explain that you are going to make a sound picture in which each group makes the sound they are responsible for at the right time in the story. Then read the story and ask for suggestions of who should make which sounds, and where. The story starts and ends with silence. When everyone is ready, read the story accompanied by the sounds, and make a recording of it.
A really effective thing to do next is to show the children, by indicating silently, when to make the sounds without the story being read, creating a purely musical performance. Record this too and, after the children have listened to both, ask them which version they prefer, and why. Finally, the children could make a big timeline graphic score, showing what happens where.