In the sea … on the boat! (developing listening skills) - Video

Music Resource Description
In the Sea … On the Boat! (developing listening skills)
This is a version of a listening skills game that I learned from my good friend, Stephanie, with whom I worked for several years. The children loved it! Put two, long rows of joined-together skipping ropes on the ground, about a metre apart, and curve the ends round to meet, making a boat shape. Inside the lines of rope, the children are on the boat; outside the lines they are in the sea. Alternate between calling out, 'On the boat!' - the children jump into the 'boat' - and, 'In the sea' - the children jump into the sea.
Extension Activity (timbre)
The game is great fun just as it stands but you could extend it by playing, for instance, a drum for In the sea and a tambourine for On the Boat. The children have to listen very carefully to just the instrument without the words.