The train (pulse, rhythm, tempo) - Song
Kindergarten - 1st Grade

Music Playtime
Music Resource Description
Group work
Audio-visual learning
The Train (pulse, rhythm, tempo)
First say the poem and encourage the children to walk in time to the beat by copying you - they will need lot of practice doing this but it's good practice for keeping a steady pulse!
Next, demonstrate how to the make the rhythm of the word, tickerty-tack by slapping hands on thighs (easier than clapping). Then help the children to do the same – this is great for motor skills because it involves alternating hands!
Say the poem every day for a while, teaching it a line at a time if necessary. Practise starting slowly and very gradually speeding up, like the train gathering speed. Remember to say something like, 'We're making the tempo faster and faster,' so that the children learn the meaning of tempo from the context.
- Tickerty-tack, over the track
- Far away, puffing all day
- Tickerty-too, hurry up, do!
- People can't wait, mustn't be late
- __
- Tickerty-tack, nickerty-nack
- Speeding along, singing a song
- Tickerty-tackerty, pickerty-packerty
- Tickerty-tackerty, TOCK!
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