Roll the ball (pulse, tempo, structure) - Video

Kindergarten - 1st Grade
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Resource Description

Roll the Ball (pulse, tempo, structure)

For this game, you need sing-song voices and medium sized, spongy balls, one between two. In pairs, the children sit facing each other with wide, outstretched legs and feet touching. The idea is to roll the ball in time with the singing, giving an idea of timing and structure. The best way to teach this is to model it with one of the children as your partner.

Hint - there's a little wait, just enough time to take a big breath, after the word 'again'. If the children rush on, you can put in an extra word 'and' before starting the next time.

  • Roll the ball
  • Hold it still
  • Roll it back again
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