Gardens & Growing Level: Early Grades - Skills & games

Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Lesson Description


One Potato, Two Potato

One of the best-known, traditional counting rhymes! You can chant it or sing it as you play the game.

  • One potato, two potato, three potato, four
  • Five potato, six potato, seven potato, more.

Tap Your Head (pulse, rhythm)

Here's an garden chant, with actions. It's a good idea to ask the children to find a big space first, where they can't touch anyone else.

  • Tap your head
  • And touch your toes
  • Curl yourself up
  • Like a garden hose
  • Sit up straight
  • For a wheelbarrow ride
  • Then stand like a spade
  • With your hands at your side
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Add an Intro

It's fun to make up an intro using actions and sounds. You could ask the children for ideas, using 'garden' phrases such as:

  • Dig the garden (quietly)
  • plant the seeds (a bit louder)
  • WATCH THEM GROW! (loudly)

They might begin by chanting the words then progress to clapping the rhythms. Next, add percussion instruments, playing the same rhythms as the words.

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