Bears Level: Early Grades - Songs & chants

My little bear - Video
Resource 1/2
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Lesson Description

My Little Bear

This is a counting song to the tune of Alice the Camel.

  • My little bear has one nose
  • My little bear has one nose
  • My little bear has one nose
  • I love my little bear
  • __
  • My little bear has two eyes
  • __
  • My little bear has two ears
  • __
  • My little bear has four legs
  • __
  • My little bear has four paws

We don't sing all the verses here because it was the first time the children had sung My Little Bear but you can listen to it all here:

Walking speed (tempo)

After the song, I took the opportunity to add on an activity that demonstrated slow speed and walking speed by passing the bear round the circle.

High & Low Bears Chant (pitch)

To encourage the children to control the pitch of their voices, recognising high and low, point to baby bear and mummy bear in the picture, switching from one to the other. Everyone chants:

  • Baby Bear are you there? (high voice)
  • Mummy Bear are you there? (lower voice)
Marco Secchi E0Su4 Lqz Q4C Unsplash

What would Daddy Bear sound like? Why do bigger bears have lower voices? The children could compare chime bars - the longest bars have the lowest pitch.

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