Chinese New Year Level: Early Grades - Introductory

Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Lesson Description

The Chinese Zodiac Story

Tell the story of how the Jade Emperor chose the animals of the Chinese New Year. You can learn or read the story using the Chinese Zodiac Animals pdf download.

Chinese New Year Song

I sing the Year of the Tiger here but, depending on which year it is, please choose the appropriate animal from the Chinese Zodiac. The song is best sung unaccompanied but the tune is easy to work out and play on the black keys of a keyboard or piano, if you have one available.

  • It's New Year in China
  • So we hear
  • It's the year of the .........
  • Happy New Year
Mathew Schwartz 418954 Unsplash
  • Chinese New Year Song ©Arts Enterprise Limited
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