Maestro & the Christmas Tree Level: Key Stage 1 - Skills & games

Kindergarten - 1st Grade
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Lesson Description

Pass the Christmas Bells (pulse)

Passing games are great for practising feeling the pulse of music - that's why I've included several. For this game and you just need one set of jingle bells, like Charlie in the video. Everyone sits in a circle and you all chant the words steadily - it's important that you and any other adults also sit in the circle and join in. On the words in CAPITALS, everyone taps their knees. Knee tapping is easier for children to manage in time than clapping hands, and it's clearer to demonstrate too.

  • PASS the Christmas BELLS
  • TAP your knees TOO
  • MAKE the bells JINgle when they

The bells are passed round and the children all tap their knees except when they are passing the bells (this does work!). The child who has the bells on the words GET TO YOU jingles the bells, then you begin again. Before y0u start again, say 'Ready!' so you can all begin at the same time.

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Compose a Christmas Song! (pulse, rhythm, pitch)

Here's an easy way to make up a song.

First everyone practise tapping knees in time with the words - you will need to model this using big movements to help everyone to get the idea. Tap every time you see a paw print:


Making up a tune needs to be done individually with a xylophone or chime bars. Some children will spontaneously sing the words to a made-up tune. For others, you could try these next steps:

  • Put out a maximum of 4 chime bars - C, D, E and G
  • The child experiments with playing notes while saying the words, to make up a tune
  • After lots of practice, make a recording of the song

Hint - It's really important to limit the number of chime bars otherwise the song will not be singable. Encourage the inclusion of some repeated notes in the tune, like in the song Old MacDonald.

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