Maestro & the Christmas Tree Level: Key Stage 1 - Songs & chants

Kindergarten - 1st Grade
Twinkle twinkle Christmas star - Video
Resource 1/3
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Lesson Description

Playing Twinkle Twinkle Christmas Star

Playing 'by ear' is something that all children can try and most will be successful, with a bit of help, at playing songs they know well. I like to do a Christmas version on this song (words below). I love the way that children are so pleased to help each other to play tunes and the 'teacher' child gains as much benefit as the 'pupil'. This is an ideal song to learn to play because it's easy to play and remember if you start on C.

  • Twinkle twinkle Christmas star
  • Way up high is where you are
  • Shining bright for us to see
  • On the top of the Christmas tree
  • Twinkle twinkle Christmas star
  • Way up high is where you are

Maestro the Music Dog

I composed this song specially for the Maestro units so it's also included in the More Maestro Stories section. When you teach it, watch out for correct pitching in the first two lines, which are a bit tricky to begin with. The clapping, the drum playing and the claves playing may be done first by the teacher or by one child, then imitated by a group of children, depending on how many instruments you have. Claves are sticks of wood that are hit together so they are simple to make by sawing up a long, smoothly-rounded piece of wood into same-size pieces and smoothing off the ends with sandpaper

  • Maestro the Music Dog
  • Come out to play
  • All your friends are waiting
  • And it's a lovely day
  • Maestro the Music Dog
  • What can you do?
  • I can clap my hands
  • Can you clap yours too?
  • (teacher claps hands ... children imitate)
  • __
  • verse 2 similar, with ending: I can play a drum
  • Can you play it too?
  • __
  • verse 3 similar, with ending: I can play the claves
  • Can you play them too?
  • __
  • Song ©Music-Playtime: Arts Enterprise Limited

All Maestro the Music Dog materials ©Music-Playtime: Arts Enterprise Limited

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