Dinosaurs Level: Early Grades - Skills & games

Music Lesson Description
Dinosaurs' Jaws and Paws (rhythm, pulse)
Mime a Dinosaur
First of all say the words in a rhythmical way and show the children how to mime the actions of 'great big jaws and pointy teeth', 'little paws and great big feet' and looking horrified (or pleased, or excited) if you saw one one your street.
Body Percussion Dinosaur
Everyone practise tapping knees straight after you say the words, pointy teeth, great big feet and on your street. Then ask the children to make body sounds too, at the end of each verse eg 'little paws and great big feet' could be lighly clapping hands and then stamping feet.
Instruments Dinosaur
Divide the group into three and give out different sounding instruments to each group. After the last line of each verse, the corresponding group plays:
- pointy teeth - claves (tap, tap, tap)
- great big feet - drums (boom, boom ,boom)
- on your street - bells/tambourines (sshhhhaakkke)
- Dinosaurs have
- Great big jaws and
- pointy teeth
- ___
- Dinosaurs have
- Little paws and
- Great big feet
- ___
- What would you do
- If you saw one
- On your street?
Sing the Song (pitch)
Finally, sayHave you brought your singing voice? and teach the tune too. When this is known the children could add the instruments or boady percussion again, at the end of each verse.

- Dinosaurs Jaws and Paws ©Music-Playtime: Arts Enterprise Limited