Pets & Other Animals Level: Key Stage 1 - Songs & chants

Kindergarten - 1st Grade
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

Music Lesson Description

  • Five little ducks went swimming one day
  • Over the hills and far away
  • The mother duck said, Quack quack quack quack
  • And four little ducks came back

Five Little Ducks

A lovely counting song. It helps to keep a visual count of how many ducks for each verse, so that you don't get lost, by holding up a card with the right number of ducks each time. You can invent actions to go with this song too. I've just given the words of the first verse but the song is complete in the audio.

Niklas Hamann Vva  Gfkd1W Unsplash

Pass the Animals (pulse)

This game is also in the Early Grades Pets and Other Animals unit, but it's worth doing again at Elementary School because it's everybody's favorite, as you can see in the video. At Elementary School, I expect the children to learn to pass the animals in time with the pulse rather than just passing them on when they can 'bear' to part with them! You'll hear me explain this to the children and we start at a slow pace then build up the speed. Notice that the little girl sitting next to me is pretty good at passing in time right from the start. At the end, it all falls apart a bit but it's still good fun!

  • PASS the animals ROUND the ring
  • ROUND the ring, ROUND the ring
  • PASS the animals ROUND the ring
  • AND then STOP
  • Teacher, sing-song voice: WHO'S got the FROGGY?
  • Child, sing-song voice: I'VE got the FROGGY
Plush Animals
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