Pets & Other Animals Level: Early Grades - Introductory

Music Lesson Description
Who is Maestro the Music Dog?
Here's Maestro the Music Dog, having an adventure in the playground. Every class needs a Maestro Dog!

Maestro Likes to Hear Us Sing (singing in tune & pulse)
Everyone sit in a circle. Put Maestro the Music Dog in the middle of the circle. The song uses just your sing-song voice. To teach it, sing one line at a time in a first me, then you way. Ask the children to listen carefully and sing exactly the same notes as you. Persevere with reminding the children sing in tune because even very young children can, if the song is simple enough. Demonstrate not-in-tune! If you sing it wrong on purpose, the children will enjoy correcting you!
- MAE-stro LIKES to HEAR us SING
- IN the MID-dle OF the RING
When the children know the song, everyone tap the pulse using hands on knees. Tap on the CAPITAL LETTER part of the words above, and use big movements so that the children can copy you. Remember to tell the children, 'Well done with clapping the pulse,' so that they learn the word, pulse.
Passing Maestro On
On another day when the song is secure, every time you all clap, Maestro is passed from one child to the next, naming each child, like this:
- Maestro likes to hear us sing
- Pass him on to Lay-la (or Jon-a-than, and so on)
My Puppy
Here's a poem for children to chant rhythmically and you can help them to keep a steady pulse by tap their knees on the strong beats (shown in capitals).
- My PUPPY has a WIGGLY tail
- He WAGS it when he’s HAPPY
- But WHEN my kitten WAVES her tail
- It MEANS she's feeling SNAPPY