Ourselves & Our Friends Level: Early Grades - Cross-curricular activities

What would you like to be? - Song
Resource 1/1
Music Playtime
Music Playtime

My Hand-print Tree

Use finger paint in a tray. Each child puts the palms of their hands into the paint, then presses them onto a big piece of paper, with their name on, to make six prints. When the paint is dry, cut out the handprints. Each child paints a brown tree-trunk on paper and sticks the prints at the top, like leaves.

Bernard Hermant 1065742 Unsplash

A poem and picture about me! (literacy link)

Everyone, including the teachers, make a picture or yourself to show how you look in the mirror!

  • In the mirror on the wall
  • There’s a face I always see
  • Round and pink, and rather small
  • Looking back again at me
  • It’s very rude to stare
  • But she never thinks of that
  • For her eyes are always there
  • What can she be looking at?
Shot By Ireland U Mf8 Ma02Cv M Unsplash

What Would You Like To Be? (PSED Link)

What sort of person would the children like to be? Here's a version of a song that we used to sing in my family when my sister and I were children. I wanted to be a cowboy so that I could ride horses all day and rescue people from danger (I didn't realise it had anything to do with cows or being a boy!) It's an opportunity for the children to talk about what kind of person they want to be when they grow up.