2nd Grade

Tables - PowerPoint
Resource 1/2

Teacher of Primary
Math Lesson Description
Tables - 2nd Grade 2nd Grade math programme of study - Statistics: interpret and present data using tables solve one-step and two-step questions using information in tables 'Tables - 2nd Grade' is a handy PowerPoint presentation with accompanying worksheets, ideal to use in a lesson covering the curriculum objectives of the year 3 math programme of study (Statistics) and support the White Rose small steps guidance for year 3 - Spring- Block 3 - Statistics. Content includes: What are tables introduction Two activities with accompanying worksheets where pupils practise interpreting and presenting data using tables and solve problems using the information from the table 1 further reasoning and problem solving worksheet with answers 'Tables - 2nd Grade' is fully editable so teachers can adapt the resource if needed to suit the needs of all abilities.
Lesson contents
Lesson contents
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