Coordinates on a 2-D Grid

Coordinates on a 2-D Grid - PowerPoint
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Teacher of Primary
Math Lesson Description
Coordinates on a 2-D Grid - 3rd Grade 3rd Grade math programme of study - Geometry - position and direction: describe positions on a 2-D grid as coordinates in the first quadrant In this teaching resource, pupils will learn how to describe positions on the first quadrant of a coordinate grid. Content includes: 2-D grid first quadrant explanation Coordinates explanation How to plot coordinates correctly explanation Finding coordinate pairs class activity Completing coordinate pairs activity Finding the coordinates of objects on a 2-D grid class activity Finding the coordinates of each vertex of a shape class activity Coordinates game activity Link to a coordinates game 2 worksheets with answers 'Coordinates on a 2-D Grid - 3rd Grade' is editable so that teachers can adapt the resource to suit the individual needs of each class they teach. . ;
Lesson contents
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