Comparing and Ordering Numbers up to 1000

2nd Grade
Comparing and Ordering Numbers up to 1000 - PowerPoint
Comparing and Ordering Numbers up to 1000 - Worksheet
Comparing and Ordering Numbers up to 1000 - PowerPoint
Resource 1/2
Comparing and Ordering Numbers up to 1000 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Math Lesson Description

Comparing and Ordering Numbers up to 1000: Elementary School math Teaching Resource 2nd Grade -; Number - number and place value compare and order numbers up to 1000 In this handy math teaching resource pupils practise ordering and comparing numbers up to 1000 as per the year 3 curriculum objective listed above. Content includes: How to order numbers in ascending and descending order. Ordering numbers to 1000 in ascending order activity and worksheet. Ordering numbers to 1000 in descending order activity and worksheet. Link to an online ordering numbers activity. How to compare numbers using the < and > signs. Comparing numbers using < and > signs activity and worksheet. Further comparing and ordering numbers worksheet. 'Comparing and Ordering Numbers up to 1000' is fully editable so that teachers are able to adapt the resource to suit their individual teaching needs. 'Comparing and Ordering Numbers up to 1000'
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