Recognising 3-D Shapes

Recognising 3-D Shapes - PowerPoint
Recognising 3-D Shapes - Worksheet
Recognising 3-D Shapes - PowerPoint
Resource 1/2
Recognising 3-D Shapes - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Math Lesson Description

Recognising 3-D Shapes; Kindergarten math programme of study - Geometry - properties of shapes: recognise and name common 3-D shapes, including: 3-D shapes [for example, cuboids (including cubes), pyramids and spheres] ; In 'Recognising 3-D Shapes' pupils are taught about 3-D shapes (cube, cuboid, sphere, cone, cylinder and pyramid) and begin to recognise 3-D shapes in everyday objects. It has been designed to aid delivery of a lesson covering the above year 1 curriculum objective listed above. 'Recognising 3-D Shapes' is a colorful and animated math PowerPoint presentation containing: a link to a song introducing the subject of 3-D shapes 2 interactive activities and 2 accompanying worksheets ;a class activity and accompanying worksheet a link to a short clip about 3-D shapes in the objects around us ; 'Recognising 3-D Shapes' can be edited giving teachers the freedom to adapt the resource to suit each individual class. 'Recognising 3-D Shapes' can be . ;
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