Beginning to Use Greater Than, Less Than and Equal To Signs

Beginning to Use Greater Than, Less Than and Equal To Signs - PowerPoint
Beginning to Use Greater Than, Less Than and Equal To Signs - Worksheet
Beginning to Use Greater Than, Less Than and Equal To Signs - PowerPoint
Resource 1/2
Beginning to Use Greater Than, Less Than and Equal To Signs - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

Math Lesson Description

Beginning to Use Greater Than, Less Than and Equal To Signs - Kindergarten In this math teaching resource, pupils are introduced to the inequality symbols <, > and =. They begin to compare quantities within 10 using the greater than, less than and equal to signs. These activities support the White Rose small steps guidance for year 1 - Autumn - Block 1 - Place Value. Content includes: - Choose the correct sign to complete the statements activity and accompanying worksheet - Draw counters to complete the statements activity and accompanying worksheet 'Beginning to Use Greater Than, Less Than and Equal To Signs - Kindergarten' is
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