Module 3 - Inspired by: Flotsam by David Wiesner - Reading

3rd Grade

ELA Unit Description

A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam, anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery. These ideas would fit well with topics such as Seaside, Fantasy, Myself, Change Livello adopts a thematic approach by using picture books and texts as an exciting springboard for learning. "Livello Modules' innovative and proven approach will help teachers to take their teaching from good to great by giving them a secure and supportive starting point from which to build exciting lessons."
Unit contents
Overview Documents
Curriculum Objectives
Curriculum Objectives
3rd Grade
Curriculum Objectives for the Livello Module inspired by Flotsam by David Wiesner. A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery.
Medium Term Plan
Medium Term Plan
3rd Grade
Medium Term Plan for the Livello Module inspired by Flotsam by David Wiesner. A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery.
Week 1
Week 1
3rd Grade
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery. The activities in this 3rd Grade English Lesson are clearly linked to objectives for composition, comprehension, grammar and punctuation using the book as the stimulus to learning. The engaging ideas provide super starting points for Elementary School learning and are driven by probing questions.
Week 2
Week 2
3rd Grade
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery. The activities in this 3rd Grade English Lesson are clearly linked to objectives for composition, comprehension, grammar and punctuation using the book as the stimulus to learning. The engaging ideas provide super starting points for Elementary School learning and are driven by probing questions.
Week 3
Week 3
3rd Grade
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery. The activities in this 3rd Grade English Lesson are clearly linked to objectives for composition, comprehension, grammar and punctuation using the book as the stimulus to learning. The engaging ideas provide super starting points for Elementary School learning and are driven by probing questions.
Week 4
Week 4
3rd Grade
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery. The activities in this 3rd Grade English Lesson are clearly linked to objectives for composition, comprehension, grammar and punctuation using the book as the stimulus to learning. The engaging ideas provide super starting points for Elementary School learning and are driven by probing questions.
Week 5
Week 5
3rd Grade
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery. The activities in this 3rd Grade English Lesson are clearly linked to objectives for composition, comprehension, grammar and punctuation using the book as the stimulus to learning. The engaging ideas provide super starting points for Elementary School learning and are driven by probing questions.
Week 6
Week 6
3rd Grade
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery. The activities in this 3rd Grade English Lesson are clearly linked to objectives for composition, comprehension, grammar and punctuation using the book as the stimulus to learning. The engaging ideas provide super starting points for Elementary School learning and are driven by probing questions.
Unit contents
Overview Documents
Curriculum Objectives
Curriculum Objectives
3rd Grade
Curriculum Objectives for the Livello Module inspired by Flotsam by David Wiesner. A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery.
Medium Term Plan
Medium Term Plan
3rd Grade
Medium Term Plan for the Livello Module inspired by Flotsam by David Wiesner. A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery.
Week 1
Week 1
3rd Grade
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery. The activities in this 3rd Grade English Lesson are clearly linked to objectives for composition, comprehension, grammar and punctuation using the book as the stimulus to learning. The engaging ideas provide super starting points for Elementary School learning and are driven by probing questions.
Week 2
Week 2
3rd Grade
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery. The activities in this 3rd Grade English Lesson are clearly linked to objectives for composition, comprehension, grammar and punctuation using the book as the stimulus to learning. The engaging ideas provide super starting points for Elementary School learning and are driven by probing questions.
Week 3
Week 3
3rd Grade
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery. The activities in this 3rd Grade English Lesson are clearly linked to objectives for composition, comprehension, grammar and punctuation using the book as the stimulus to learning. The engaging ideas provide super starting points for Elementary School learning and are driven by probing questions.
Week 4
Week 4
3rd Grade
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery. The activities in this 3rd Grade English Lesson are clearly linked to objectives for composition, comprehension, grammar and punctuation using the book as the stimulus to learning. The engaging ideas provide super starting points for Elementary School learning and are driven by probing questions.
Week 5
Week 5
3rd Grade
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery. The activities in this 3rd Grade English Lesson are clearly linked to objectives for composition, comprehension, grammar and punctuation using the book as the stimulus to learning. The engaging ideas provide super starting points for Elementary School learning and are driven by probing questions.
Week 6
Week 6
3rd Grade
A bright, science-minded boy goes to the beach equipped to collect and examine flotsam - anything floating that has been washed ashore. But there's no way he could have prepared for one particular discovery. The activities in this 3rd Grade English Lesson are clearly linked to objectives for composition, comprehension, grammar and punctuation using the book as the stimulus to learning. The engaging ideas provide super starting points for Elementary School learning and are driven by probing questions.
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