Romeo & Juliet Lesson 16: Act 2

4th Grade
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 16: Act 2 - PowerPoint
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 16: Act 2 - Lesson Plan
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 16: Act 2 - Balcony Scene Worksheet
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 16: Act 2 - Check Your Understanding Worksheet
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 16: Act 2 - PowerPoint
Resource 1/4
Romeo & Juliet Lesson 16: Act 2 - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
Elementary School ENGLISH - Romeo and Juliet teaching unit. This brilliant teaching unit contains a 220 slide PowerPoint presentation, 30 worksheets and a step by step overview of 32 engaging lessons. Our Romeo and Juliet teaching resource includes a variety of activities for students of all abilities and includes the following: - A short Shakespeare biography and a guide to the Elizabethan theatre - Tasks to help children understand the plot - Analysing the characters of Romeo, Juliet, Mercutio, Tybalt and more - Exploration of the key themes (love, hate, fate, etc) - Developing understanding of Shakespeare's stagecraft - Using evidence when writing about the play Examining Shakespeare's language in key scenes - Shakespeare's employment of tension and suspense in Romeo and Juliet - Empathy writing - Hot seating activities