Singular Nouns to Plural Nouns - PowerPoint

Singular Nouns to Plural Nouns - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary

ELA Resource Description

Singular Nouns to Plural Nouns - Kindergarten; 55 slide PowerPoint lesson with 6 accompanying worksheets and 3 further differentiated worksheets. Kindergarten English programme of study - Writing - transcription Add suffixes:; using the spelling rule for adding -s or -es as the plural marker for nouns English Appendix 2 - Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation: Introduce regular plural noun suffixes -s or -es (for example dog, dogs, wish, wishes) including the effects of these suffixes on the meaning of the word. In this year 1 English teaching resource pupils are introduced to singular and plural nouns as per the year 1 curriculum objectives listed above. This engaging PowerPoint lesson includes class activities with 6 accompanying worksheets for children to use during the lesson. It contains 3 further differentiated worksheets to reinforce and consolidate the children's learning.
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