How to Write Counterpoint - Music Composition

Religious Education
Social Studies
4th Grade - 11th Grade
How to Write Counterpoint - Music Composition
Music Matters
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ELA Resource Description

Learn how to write counterpoint, an advanced music composition technique. Many musicians are happy writing melodies and chords but when it comes to writing counterpoint they feel out of their depth. Many music students need to be able to write counterpoint and are not sure how to go about it. Improvisers might want to be able to improvise counterpoint, and anyone playing a contrapuntal piece might want to learn how to understand better how the counterpoint works. This music composition lesson is for all of you. Homophonic music is music which is essentially constructed vertically i.e. it basically operates by moving from one chord to the next. Polyphonic music operates a layered horizontal construction, in which melodic lines interact with each other. Counterpoint is all about how to construct these interweaving melodic lines in such a way as to make both melodic and harmonic sense. It all seems daunting at first but once the basic approach has been mastered you will soon be writing, improvising, and understanding counterpoint.