Foucault: WTF? An Introduction to Foucault, Power and Knowledge

Government and Politics
Social Studies
9th Grade - 11th Grade
Foucault: WTF? An Introduction to Foucault, Power and Knowledge
Tom Nicholas
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ELA Resource Description

In this introduction to Foucault, we consider the relationship between knowledge and power through looking (primarily) at three books by Michel Foucault: Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison, The Order of Things and The History of Sexuality (as well as, very briefly, History of Madness—sometimes published as Madness and Civilisation—and The Birth of the Clinic).We unpack some of the terminology central to Foucault's philosophy such as episteme (and the shifts between epistemes), archaeology and genealogy. Finally, we look at how Foucault uses the panopticon—a plan for a uniquely utilitarian prison designed by Jeremy Bentham—in order to consider how discipline and punishment might have become a part of our everyday lives.If you're look for the work of Michel Foucault explained simply and engagingly then, hopefully, this might be the video you're looking for!