How can I be as incredible as a famous artist? - Continuous Provision

Art and Design
Art and Design
How can I be as incredible as a famous artist? - Continuous Provision
Focus Education
Focus Education

Art and Design Resource Description

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To foster an environment where children can aspire to the creativity of famous artists, it is vital to ensure the painting area within the classroom is consistently well-stocked with materials. Art should be celebrated as a core element of the learning process, and it's important to maintain a positive atmosphere by refraining from negative remarks about anyone's artistic abilities. Just as with other foundational subjects like reading, writing, or maths, setting up the art area should be a routine part of the daily classroom activities, emphasizing the importance of art in the curriculum.

Encouraging children to engage with and appreciate art can be further enhanced by establishing an art gallery within the classroom. This gallery should feature a mixture of children's artwork alongside pieces created by renowned artists, allowing students to draw inspiration and make connections between their work and that of the masters. Allocating time for children to observe and discuss art is crucial, with a particular focus on elements such as colour, shape, and the emotions conveyed in the artwork. By incorporating these practices, children are given the opportunity to develop their artistic skills and to appreciate art in a way that could lead them towards the incredible achievements of famous artists.