How fast does light travel? - Light - Year 6

Year 6
How fast does light travel? - Light - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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Light is one of the fastest things in the universe, moving at an incredible speed that is essential to understanding many scientific concepts. The speed of light is approximately 299,792 kilometres per second when travelling through a vacuum. This speed is a constant in physics and is used as a fundamental unit in the theory of relativity. When light travels through different mediums, such as air or water, it does slow down slightly due to the interaction with the particles in these substances. However, the speed of light in a vacuum remains the benchmark for its maximum velocity.

Comparatively, sound travels much slower than light. The speed of sound is around 343 metres per second in air at room temperature. Unlike light, the speed of sound varies greatly depending on the medium it travels through; it moves faster through water and even faster through solids like metal. Our eyes are the tools that enable us to perceive light. They contain receptors that convert light into electrical signals, which are sent to the brain to create the images we see. Understanding how light travels, its speed, and how it interacts with our eyes is fundamental to grasping how we perceive the world around us.