Link it! Prior knowledge - Light - Year 6

Year 6
Link it! Prior knowledge - Light - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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In the 'Link it! Prior Knowledge - Light' section of the lesson plan for Year 6 students, the aim is to connect current learning with what the children already know about light and vision. Initially, it is acknowledged that all students understand the basic function of eyes in seeing. They are also expected to recall the Year 3 unit on light and dark, which may need a brief refresher to bring that knowledge to the forefront. Additionally, some students will have personal experience with vision correction, as they might wear glasses and have undergone eye tests. Moreover, most of the children will have had the opportunity to use magnifying lenses, such as binoculars, enhancing their understanding of how lenses can affect our vision.

To deepen their comprehension, children are encouraged to explore these concepts further. They are invited to document what they remember in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser. This exercise not only helps to activate their existing knowledge about light and how our eyes work but also serves to create a foundation for new learning. By reflecting on their prior knowledge, within the same subject, from other subjects, and from personal experiences, students can form meaningful connections, enhancing their overall understanding of the topic at hand. This approach is an integral part of Focus Education's strategy to build upon children's existing knowledge base in a structured and engaging manner.