Link it! Prior knowledge - Electricity - Year 6

Year 6
Link it! Prior knowledge - Electricity - Year 6
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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In preparation for a Year 6 class on electricity, it's important to activate the students' prior knowledge on the subject. Children will have a natural familiarity with electricity in their daily lives, as it powers their homes and the devices they use. Teachers are encouraged to remind pupils of the lessons on electricity they undertook in Year 4, which may have included practical experiments such as creating simple circuits to light a bulb or make a buzzer sound. An engaging discussion about the implications of a life devoid of electricity can also be a powerful way to stimulate interest and curiosity. This exploration serves as a precursor to recording their existing understanding in the 'Prior Knowledge' section of the Knowledge Organiser, setting the stage for deeper learning about how electricity works and the variations in its power.

The 'Link It!' section of the lesson plan emphasises the importance of connecting new information with different areas of learning. By focusing on prior knowledge, students can relate the new content to what they have already learned within the same subject, enhancing continuity and retention. Cross-curricular connections are also encouraged, allowing students to see the relevance of electricity in other subjects and understand its broader impact. Personal experiences with electricity can be a valuable resource for students to draw upon, making the topic more relatable and easier to comprehend. This comprehensive approach, devised by Focus Education, aims to provide a well-rounded understanding of electricity and its role in our lives.