10 Interesting facts about water - Fact Sheet - Year 4

Year 4
10 Interesting facts about water - Fact Sheet - Year 4
Focus Education
Focus Education

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Water, the essence of life, is not only vital but also fascinating. Did you know that the human body is composed of approximately 75% water? This incredible molecule is unique in that it can exist in three different states: as a liquid (water), a solid (ice), or a gas (water vapour). Despite the abundance of water on our planet, with 70% of the Earth's surface covered by it, the majority of this water isn't readily drinkable. A staggering 97% of Earth's water resides in the oceans as salty water, and another 2% is locked up in polar ice caps. This leaves a mere 1% of freshwater available for human consumption.

Beneath our feet, there are vast underground reservoirs known as aquifers, where some water may remain for thousands of years. Interestingly, the water we drink today is part of an ancient cycle and could have been the same water dinosaurs once drank, thanks to the planet's natural recycling system. The Nile, stretching 4,132 miles, holds the title of the longest river in the world. In addition to supporting life, water is also a powerful source of energy; it can be harnessed to generate electricity at hydro-electric power stations. These facts not only highlight the importance of water but also prompt intriguing questions about the water cycle and how solids, liquids, and gases can transition between states.

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