What is the water cycle? - State of Matter - Year 4

Science Resource Description
The water cycle is a fascinating and continuous process that ensures water is always present on Earth, but never in a static state. It begins with the sun's energy heating bodies of water like oceans, rivers, and lakes, causing the water to warm up and evaporate, transforming into water vapour that ascends into the atmosphere. Once in the air, the water vapour cools down and condenses, forming clouds. These clouds are made up of tiny droplets of liquid water that have clumped together.
As the clouds become heavy with moisture, they release this water back to Earth as precipitation, which can be in the form of rain or snow. This water then makes its journey across the land's surface, collecting in streams, rivers, and lakes. Eventually, this water finds its way back to the oceans, where the cycle can begin anew. The water cycle is an essential natural mechanism for recycling water on our planet, ensuring that this vital resource is continuously replenished and available to sustain life.