How can environments change forever? - Presentation

Year 4
How can environments change forever? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education
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An educational presentation from Focus Education (UK) Ltd addresses the critical issue of permanent environmental change. It begins by highlighting the continuous evolution of our surroundings, pointing out that while some changes are natural and inevitable, many are the result of harmful human activities. The presentation encourages pupils to watch a BBC Bitesize video on changing environments to understand better the challenges we face today. Key topics for classroom exploration include deforestation, the expansion of landfill sites, and the increasing development of housing areas. These discussions aim to raise awareness of the environmental impact of human actions and the importance of sustainable practices.

In an effort to promote environmental stewardship, the presentation lists '20 ways to support our environment', providing practical actions individuals can take to make a positive difference. These recommendations include planting trees, conserving water, reducing car usage, minimising food waste, and switching to energy-efficient LED bulbs. Each suggestion is a step towards a more sustainable lifestyle, and pupils are encouraged to reflect on five of these points, delving into how they can contribute to environmental preservation. By grouping plants and animals, the presentation also touches upon the broader topic of biodiversity and ecosystems, fostering an understanding of the interconnectedness of all living things and the habitats they share.