Cops and Robbers - What do you know about supporting out environment? - Grouping Living Things - Year 4

Year 4
Cops and Robbers - What do you know about supporting out environment? - Grouping Living Things - Year 4
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

In an engaging and interactive activity titled "Cops and Robbers," Year 4 students are prompted to explore their understanding of how to support our environment. The activity begins by asking the pupils to draw upon their own knowledge, writing down everything they can recall about environmental support within a two-minute timeframe. This initial stage encourages students to independently reflect on what they know and understand about environmental conservation and the practices that contribute to it.

Following this, the 'robbers' phase of the activity commences, where students have the opportunity to 'steal' knowledge from their peers. They are given 60 seconds to look at the ideas written by up to three other children and add new information to their own table. This dynamic exchange of ideas not only fosters collaborative learning but also allows students to expand their understanding of environmental issues by considering the perspectives and knowledge of others. Each plausible statement that a student successfully 'steals' and adds to their collection is rewarded with points, adding a competitive element to the learning process. The entire activity is designed to take 15 minutes, making it a fast-paced and stimulating exercise that encourages active participation and reinforces the importance of supporting our environment.