Creating a tree fact file - Activity - Year 2

Year 2
Creating a tree fact file - Activity - Year 2
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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In an engaging activity designed for Year 2 students, children are tasked with creating a tree fact file in partnership with a classmate. They are to select six different trees and compile a comprehensive page of information for each. The fact file should include vivid images of the tree across the seasons, showcasing it in both summer and winter. Additionally, the children must include a picture of the tree's leaf and its seed, as well as a bark rubbing to capture the texture of the tree's skin. The file should highlight distinguishing features of each tree, such as unique shapes or colours, and provide details on the tree's potential height and its common habitats within the UK.

This activity is not only about gathering information but also about presentation and sharing knowledge. The students' challenge extends over the entire half term, with the goal of creating an informative and visually appealing fact file. The culmination of their hard work will be an exhibition where the whole school can view and learn from the displayed fact files. This project not only encourages teamwork and research skills but also fosters an appreciation for the natural world, prompting children to consider what trees need to grow healthily and to explore the variety of trees found in their local environment.