How do we know that plants and trees need light, water and soil? - Teacher's Notes

Year 2
How do we know that plants and trees need light, water and soil? - Teacher's Notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
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The educational unit in question aims to teach children the scientific method, particularly the concept of a 'fair test'. To ensure a solid understanding, the lesson begins with a review of what constitutes a fair test, encouraging students to articulate the definition in their own words. This foundational knowledge is further supported by referencing educational resources such as BBC Bitesize, which provides clear explanations and examples of fair testing in scientific experiments.

Armed with this understanding, students are then tasked with working in small groups to investigate the essential requirements for plant growth: water, light, and soil. Through hands-on experience, they are instructed to set up their own experiments, carefully isolating one variable at a time to maintain the integrity of a fair test. As they conduct their investigations, students are expected to document their findings and thought processes using provided worksheets that prompt metacognitive reflection. This approach not only helps students determine why plants and trees need these elements but also fosters a deeper comprehension of the scientific method and critical thinking skills.