What are the main parts of plants and trees, including roots, stem, leaves and petals called? - Teacher's Notes

Year 2
What are the main parts of plants and trees, including roots, stem, leaves and petals called? - Teacher's Notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In the introductory part of this unit, students revisit the terminology related to the various parts of plants and trees. The teacher's notes outline that the children should begin by refreshing their memory through online resources provided by BBC Bitesize. These resources are educational videos that the students may have previously encountered in Year 1. The videos serve to reinforce their understanding of the basic structure of plants and trees.

After engaging with the online material, the students are tasked with creating diagrams to label the different parts of a plant and a tree. For the plant, the labels should include the roots, stem, leaf, and flower. When it comes to the tree, the labels extend to the roots, trunk, branches, leaves, and potentially the blossom if present. These activities are designed to help students visually connect each term to the corresponding part of the plant or tree, thereby enhancing their comprehension of plant biology and the vital roles each part plays in the growth and health of plants and trees.