What signs are there that spring is coming/here? - Images - Year 1

Year 1
What signs are there that spring is coming/here? - Images - Year 1
Focus Education
Focus Education
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As the seasons transition from winter to spring, there are numerous telltale signs that indicate the arrival of this much-anticipated time of year, especially noticeable to Year 1 students. One of the first signs of spring is the appearance of delicate snowdrops, pushing through the thawing ground. The increasing buzz of activity among bees is another indicator, as they start to venture out in search of nectar. Additionally, frogs become more visible as they emerge to find ponds for breeding.

Birdlife also heralds the onset of spring, with many species beginning to construct nests and their melodies becoming a more common presence in the air. Woodlands transform into a spectacle of colour as bluebells carpet the forest floor. Moreover, the return of migratory birds, such as swallows, marks a definitive sign that spring is here. These changes in the natural world spark curiosity in young minds about how seasons change and why spring is a season that brings joy to many people.