Place the month with the season - Seasonal Change - Year 1

Year 1
Place the month with the season - Seasonal Change - Year 1
Focus Education
Focus Education
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In an educational activity designed for Year 1 students, the task is to associate specific months with their corresponding seasons. The concept of seasonal change is explored through a simple matching exercise that helps young learners understand the cyclical nature of the year. The four seasons—spring, summer, autumn, and winter—are listed, and students are presented with a selection of months: December, April, August, October, May, January, July, and September. The objective is for the children to correctly identify which two months fall within each of the given seasons.

Students are encouraged to think about the characteristics of each season and use this knowledge to place the months accordingly. For example, they would learn that December and January are winter months, characterised by colder temperatures and shorter days, while July and August represent the warm and sunny days of summer. This activity not only teaches students about the order of the months and seasons but also helps them to start recognising the patterns of seasonal change. They are allocated 10 minutes to complete the task, with 2 points awarded for each correct answer, reinforcing their learning through a point-scoring system.