How many birds can you recognise? - Presentation

Year 1
How many birds can you recognise? - Presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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Component 5 of the educational material from Focus Education (UK) Ltd invites students to engage with the natural world by recognising and learning about different birds, particularly those found in woodlands and around school grounds. The section titled "How many birds can you recognise?" encourages young learners to identify various birds, understand their dietary habits, nesting patterns, and the eggs they lay. The material provides a structured approach, starting with woodland birds, where children use a chart and a proforma to document their findings on four specific birds, noting their names, the food they consume, and details about their nests and eggs. This activity aims to enhance their knowledge of avian species that are commonly found in forests or trees.

The educational journey continues as students shift their focus to birds that might be spotted from their classroom, again researching four species with the aid of an appendix. This activity is designed to foster a connection between the students and their immediate environment. In addition to bird identification, the material also guides students on a scientific inquiry into how to attract birds to their school grounds. Working in groups of four, they explore the types of food birds prefer, such as seeds and fat balls, and learn about the practical aspects of creating bird-friendly environments. The process involves planning, executing, and evaluating their strategies, with opportunities to record their plans, actions, and reflections, as well as to illustrate their ideas with photographs or drawings. This hands-on approach aims to cultivate an appreciation for wildlife and develop scientific thinking skills among the students.