Assessment for learning - What have you learnt about fossils? - worksheet

Year 6
Assessment for learning - What have you learnt about fossils? - worksheet
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

As part of an assessment for learning, students are asked to reflect on their newfound knowledge about fossils through a worksheet provided by Focus Education (UK) Ltd. The task requires pupils to list five facts about fossils that they were previously unaware of, encouraging them to consider the extent of their learning and to articulate specific details they have gathered. This exercise not only reinforces their understanding but also provides educators with insights into the effectiveness of the teaching and the depth of the students' comprehension.

Additionally, the worksheet prompts students to ponder the evolutionary history of life on Earth by questioning how living things have changed over time. In answering this, they must consider the crucial role that fossils play in unveiling the mysteries of ancient life forms that once roamed our planet. This part of the assessment challenges learners to connect the theoretical knowledge of fossils with the broader context of Earth's biological history, demonstrating the importance of paleontological discoveries in shaping our understanding of the past.