What is gravity and what is its impact upon our lives? - worksheet

Year 5
What is gravity and what is its impact upon our lives? - worksheet
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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Gravity is a fundamental force of nature that is experienced by all objects with mass. It is the force that attracts two bodies towards each other; the more massive an object is, the stronger its gravitational pull. Before watching the educational video, many might think of gravity simply as the reason why objects fall towards the ground. However, the new information gleaned from the video deepens this understanding, revealing that gravity is not just a terrestrial phenomenon but a universal force that governs the motion of celestial bodies and structures the cosmos.

Gravity profoundly impacts our daily lives, influencing everything from the way we move to the structure of our environment. It is the force that keeps us anchored to the Earth's surface, allows for the existence of an atmosphere, and dictates the behavior of fluids, such as water, which is essential for life. Moreover, gravity affects the motion of planets, moons, and stars, maintaining Earth's orbit around the sun, which is crucial for the stability of seasons and climate. Understanding gravity is not only important for scientific inquiry but also for practical applications, including engineering, space exploration, and understanding natural phenomena such as tides and the flight of objects.