What is gravity and what is its impact upon our lives? - teacher's notes

Year 5
What is gravity and what is its impact upon our lives? - teacher's notes
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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Gravity is the invisible force that causes masses to be attracted to each other, manifesting most recognisably as the reason objects fall towards Earth. It's a fundamental force that not only affects objects on our planet but also governs the motion of celestial bodies in the universe. Teachers are encouraged to explain that gravity is present in all objects, but its strength varies depending on the object's mass and the distance from it—the greater the mass and the closer the proximity, the stronger the gravitational pull. This concept is pivotal in understanding how and why objects interact with each other in space.

The impact of gravity on our lives is profound and omnipresent. It keeps us grounded on Earth, allows for the existence of an atmosphere, and is responsible for the behavior of oceans, weather patterns, and the trajectory of everything we throw or drop. In addition to understanding gravity, students are also introduced to the concept of air resistance, which is the force of friction between a moving object and the air it moves through. This force is crucial in understanding how objects move through air, affecting everything from the fall of a leaf to the design of vehicles and aircraft. By setting up experiments and engaging with multimedia resources, pupils can gain a deeper understanding of these forces and their effects on our daily lives.