What is a force and how does it impact on the way things move? - presentation

Year 5
What is a force and how does it impact on the way things move? - presentation
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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A force is a push or a pull that acts upon an object and has a significant impact on the way things move. In the Year 5 science curriculum, pupils are taught to understand how forces operate in the world around them. They learn about gravity, a force that causes unsupported objects to fall towards the Earth, and how it is a constant influence in our lives. Pupils also explore the effects of different types of resistance, such as air resistance, which acts against objects moving through the air, and water resistance, which is the friction encountered by objects moving through water. Additionally, friction, which occurs between two surfaces sliding across each other, is identified and its effects are examined. These concepts are crucial for pupils to grasp the fundamental principles of physics and how they apply to everyday experiences.

Moreover, the curriculum introduces pupils to simple mechanisms like levers, pulleys, and gears that demonstrate how a smaller force can have a greater effect. These mechanisms are part of the substantive knowledge required for Year 5 pupils, helping them to understand how these tools can make work easier by altering the magnitude or direction of a force. For instance, a lever allows us to lift heavy loads with less effort, a pulley system can change the direction of a force applied, and gears can increase or decrease the force output. This knowledge ties into practical applications and links to design and technology, where pupils can see the relevance of these concepts in real-world scenarios. The curriculum encourages exploration and hands-on experiences, such as creating a homemade parachute or observing gears on a bicycle, to solidify their understanding of forces and their effects.