True or False - Exercise

Science Resource Description
True or False - Exercise
1 Exercise promotes better sleep - TRUE
2 Exercise makes you laugh a lot - FALSE
3 Exercise helps you grow taller - FALSE
4 Exercise boosts energy - TRUE
5 Exercise makes you better at maths - FALSE
6 Exercise improves your mood - TRUE
7 Exercise helps you to read - FALSE
8 Exercise controls your weight - TRUE
9 Exercise combats health conditions and diseases - TRUE
10 Exercise makes you more polite - FALSE
The heart is a vital organ that functions as a pump to circulate blood throughout the body. It works by contracting and relaxing in a rhythmic cycle, pushing blood through a network of blood vessels that reach every part of the body. This process is crucial because the blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells and removes waste products and carbon dioxide. The heart's role is essential for maintaining the body’s homeostasis, providing the necessary resources for cells to function properly, and sustaining life. Regular exercise strengthens the heart muscle, improves its efficiency, and can lead to better overall cardiovascular health.