What is the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on health? - Teacher notes

Year 6
What is the impact of diet, exercise, drugs and lifestyle on health? - Teacher notes
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

The teacher's notes outline a comprehensive lesson plan that explores the multifaceted impact of diet, exercise, drugs, and lifestyle on health. The lesson begins with a discussion about the definition of 'lifestyle' and what constitutes a healthy diet. Students are encouraged to engage with an online resource from BBC Bitesize to gain insights into the effects of diet, exercise, and drugs on the body. This interactive approach allows pupils to articulate their own perceptions of a healthy diet and lifestyle choices, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Further discussion points include the importance of exercise and the role of sleep in maintaining good health. The lesson then shifts focus to the topic of drugs and medicine, prompting students to consider both the beneficial and detrimental impacts. They are guided to examine a range of medical interventions such as vaccinations, antibiotics, and organ transplantation, as well as the negative effects of smoking and drug abuse. The lesson aims to provide a holistic understanding of how various factors contribute to overall health, emphasizing the critical function of the heart. Through a blend of interactive media and guided discussions, students are led to a deeper appreciation of how lifestyle choices can significantly influence their health and well-being.