Separating, filtering and dissolving - What have you already learned?

Year 5
Separating, filtering and dissolving - What have you already learned?
Focus Education
Focus Education
AI generated

Before embarking on a new investigation into separating, filtering, and dissolving, students are encouraged to reflect on their existing knowledge of these processes. They might consider the various materials they have encountered and determine which ones can be reverted to their original form after being altered. This lays the groundwork for understanding that some changes are reversible while others are not. Additionally, they are asked to contemplate the different methods used to separate mixtures. This includes filtering, which is typically used to remove solid particles from liquids; sieving, which separates particles based on size; and evaporating, which can be used to recover a dissolved substance by removing the solvent. Understanding these concepts is crucial as they delve deeper into the practical aspects of their investigation.

Students are prompted to watch a specific video that will likely provide them with visual examples and further explanations of the concepts they are revisiting. This multimedia resource serves as a refresher, reinforcing their prior learning and potentially introducing new perspectives or techniques related to separating mixtures. By considering what they already know about these scientific processes, students are better prepared to engage with the investigation, apply their knowledge to practical scenarios, and expand their understanding of how different materials interact and can be manipulated using various separation techniques.