Pitch, frequency and volume - Info sheets

Year 4
Pitch, frequency and volume - Info sheets
Focus Education
Focus Education

Science Resource Description

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Understanding the intricacies of sound involves delving into concepts such as pitch, frequency, and volume. Pitch is essentially the perceived highness or lowness of a sound, determined by the frequency with which sound waves reach our ears. Vibrations, which create sound waves, have varying characteristics that define the sound's pitch. Frequency, on the other hand, is the measure of how many sound waves pass a certain point within one second. For example, if six waves pass through a point from a speaker to an ear in one second, the frequency is said to be six waves per second. This frequency is crucial in determining the pitch of the sound we hear.

Moving on to volume, which is often referred to as loudness, it is directly related to the energy of the sound wave. A sound that is perceived as louder carries more energy, which is visually represented by a higher amplitude, or height, of the sound wave. When comparing sound waves with the same frequency, the one with greater amplitude will be louder, though both will have the same pitch. This concept is illustrated with wave diagrams showing that waves A and B, as well as C and D, have the same frequency and hence the same pitch, but waves A and C are louder due to their higher amplitudes. Understanding these elements helps clarify how sound is created and travels, as well as what we mean when discussing pitch and vibration in the context of sound.