The Parts of a Plant - PowerPoint

Year 3
The Parts of a Plant - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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Year 3 students are introduced to the fascinating world of botany with a comprehensive lesson on the parts of a plant and their functions. The educational material begins by highlighting the four critical components of a plant: flowers, leaves, stem/trunk, and roots. Students are encouraged to identify these parts on a diagram, enhancing their understanding of plant anatomy. The lesson further delves into the specific roles of each part, such as the flower's involvement in reproduction, attracting insects with its bright colours and scent, and the production and reception of pollen for seed formation. Additionally, the leaf's role in nutrition is discussed, explaining how it utilises sunlight and carbon dioxide to create food for the plant.

The lesson continues with an exploration of the stem's dual function in providing support and transporting water and minerals throughout the plant, and the roots' task of anchoring the plant and absorbing nutrients from the soil. Varied activities, such as a leaf sort task, encourage students to engage with the material actively. They learn to distinguish between different types of roots, like the deep-anchoring taproot system and the spreading fibrous root system. The lesson also touches upon root vegetables, such as carrots and parsnips, which store food and are part of our diet. To consolidate their learning, students are tasked with answering questions about plant parts and their functions and are given the creative assignment of designing and labelling their own plant, ensuring they comprehend the role each part plays in the life of a plant.

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