The 5 Senses - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
The 5 Senses - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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In a Key Stage 1 science teaching resource, pupils are introduced to the five human senses as part of their learning journey. The lesson aims to help children identify and understand the functions of sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch. Using their eyes, students are encouraged to observe their surroundings and describe what they can see. Similarly, they are prompted to listen carefully and identify the sounds they hear with their ears. The lesson continues to explore the remaining senses, asking students to engage with their environment by smelling with their noses, tasting with their tongues, and feeling textures with their fingers.

The teaching resource includes interactive activities such as matching each sense to the correct picture and labelling parts of the body associated with each sense. To further enhance their understanding, children are invited to choose five objects and describe them using all their senses, completing a table on their worksheet. For example, a banana might be described as yellow and long, without sound, smelling fresh, feeling cold and smooth, and tasting sweet. This multisensory approach not only reinforces the concepts but also makes the learning experience more engaging and memorable for young learners.

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