It's Alive! - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
It's Alive! - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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The "It's Alive!" PowerPoint serves as an educational resource aimed at helping students understand the characteristics of living things. The presentation sets out to answer a fundamental question in biology: How do we know when something is alive? Throughout the slides, students are introduced to the seven vital signs of life that all living organisms share. These signs form the basis of the lesson, providing a clear and structured approach to identifying living things.

The seven characteristics that indicate life are systematically explored in the presentation. Students learn that all living things move, feed, grow, breathe, reproduce, create waste, and have the capacity to feel. Each of these aspects is presented as a distinct feature, accompanied by simple and concise explanations. To reinforce understanding, students are then challenged with an interactive activity where they categorize items as 'Alive' or 'Not Alive', such as a butterfly, grass, a cat, a daffodil, a stone, a desk, a lake, and a car. The activity concludes with a review of the answers, allowing students to self-assess their grasp of the concept. The presentation culminates by reiterating the seven signs of life, ensuring that students can confidently recognize and remember these fundamental biological traits.

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Part of a lesson by Teacher of Primary