Eating Healthy Food - PowerPoint

Year 1 - Year 2
Eating Healthy Food - PowerPoint
Teacher of Primary
Teacher of Primary
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This Key Stage 1 Science teaching resource is designed to educate children about the importance of eating healthy food. It begins by posing the fundamental question of why we need to eat, explaining that food is to humans what fuel is to cars – it gives us the energy to remain active. The resource then delves into the concept of a balanced diet, emphasizing that we cannot eat just anything we want if we wish to stay fit and healthy. A balanced diet entails consuming a variety of different types of food, each belonging to specific groups that supply our bodies with the necessary nutrients to function correctly.

The presentation continues by exploring the different food groups and their benefits. Fruits and vegetables, rich in vitamins, are highlighted as crucial for keeping our bodies working properly; it's recommended to consume five portions daily for optimal health. Dairy products are noted for their vitamin content, which supports healthy teeth and bones. Protein, found in foods like milk, cheese, meat, and nuts, is essential for body growth. Fibre, present in bread and cereals, aids digestion, while fats and energy foods provide the necessary fuel for activity. However, the resource cautions that fatty and sugary foods can lead to health issues like overweight, heart problems, and tooth decay if consumed in excess. Interactive activities, such as sorting foods into healthy and treat categories and answering questions about a balanced diet, help solidify the learning, while practical exercises like guiding Harry through healthy supermarket choices and matching food groups to their definitions reinforce the concepts taught.

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